Sitemap - 2021 - diesel sweeties comics

Any big plans for the new year???

I wonder if humanity will ever learn from its mistakes?

🧛‍♂️🪞 The end of the year is a great time to look back and reflect.

I set some lofty reading goals for myself this year!

Do you ever miss hanging out with people before smartphones?

Thanksgiving isn't as much fun as it used to be.

I can't believe the year is almost over.

Token Fungibles

Tonight's comic is about the perils of opening up.

RARRGH! I'm Zombie Captain America!

Cool Venom costume!!

Are we doing Halloween this year?

Did the internet get worse?

Do you think I'm cool?

It's time to login to Cat Twitter

Sleep debt is pernicious.

Do you consider yourself a smart person?

I’m having feelings!

Is this what smoking in restaurants was like??

I need a new hobby!!

Should I still wear a mask??

Summer goes by so fast.

Doctor Two

I hereby call this meeting–

It’s too hot to sleep!

🍦⁉️ Where did you get ice cream?!

uh oh, it’s the nudity police!!

Red Robot smells terrible.

Tonight’s comic isn’t quite ready to date again 🤖

I should try drinking coffee outside the house again.

Notice anything different about me?

I really need a break from living through history.

🥸 It’s a bold, new world out there!

I know I'm supposed to want to be around people again, but...

Tonight’s comic h̶a̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘰 poop.

I slept a bunch, but I'm still tired.

How is it MAY already?

I'm not sure I'm ready to go outside without a mask.

Nobody believes me when I say I’m vaccinated!

“It’s okay. I’m vaccinated.”

What to do when you spy a funny tweet

Are you... a hugger?

Tonight's comic is a very special encore presentation of The Internet

Why are you so mad all the time, Red Robot?

🚽 Big day tomorrow!

Monetize your hobbies

Coffee: The Ultimate in Hydration??

Are You a Social Lubrican

Tonight's comic is about pooping.

I’ve stopped using days of the week.

I'll Finish This Comic Later

Tonight’s comic loves podcasts.

How is a pandemic like freelancing?

What do cats really want?

People are (still) terrible.

The Grand Perspective

Do you think you'll ever go back to working in an office?

Convenience Froods

The Crack of Dawn

🤬🐈 Aww, they’re pretending to do twitters!

Are you as tired as I am, Menace-11?

Let’s Talk Crypto with Johnny Toaster

Mew wanna go outside?

What's up, buttery blood beast?

🙀 Help! My views are being censored!!

I Blocked Myself On Purpose

Little Brown Juggernaut

How dare you unfollow me on the twitters!

Ball-Faced Lies

When this is all over, I might keep wearing masks.

We join this misunderstanding currently in progress–

Putting the "Ass" In "Essential"

Are you still mad?

Omniscience Isn't Evenly Distributed

You really don't like people, do you?

Can I complain for a minute?


Clack! Clack! Clack!

Plebes Like and Subscribe

Good News: Bad News.

Oh boy! My favorite podcast is live!

Don’t waste your time being friends with assholes

Is Amputation Too Divisive?

📯💨 Honk if you miss working at cafes

🥑 And Then Things Went Alligator Pear-Shaped

Should I get a new kitty?

This one vibrates.

It’s a great day to check in with Johnny Toaster

Latveria the Beautiful

The best part about not sleeping

I should give up on sleeping tonight.

Top of the Heap

💩 Do you ever worry about your legacy?

How are you always so nice, Torpor?

And now to log on to the world-wide inter-net and see what everyo-

What Has 2020 Taught You?